Here I am, freshman in high school writing a blog on advertising from photo shop class. I honestly have wanted to make a site of this nature for the last six months and i have finally gotten off my ass and created something. For my first “post” i want to talk about the rapid growth in small affiliate networks which run 95% of there offers from other networks etc. When they invite you to join there network its almost impossible to say no (for me at least.) After you are officially an affiliate of them you become active and test the link of ONE campaign and see it goes from there url to tracking101.c0m to the actual landing page ( being cpaempire)
When these companies market they provide a spectacular list of features which make you believe that this network will blow everybody out of the water. These lists state things like “Highest Industry Payouts” “Best Support” and “Most Original Offers,” in my expirience they should change there sales pitch to “Make Less Money With Us! Support Small Business In America! ;)”
What do you think can be done about the saturation in affiliate networks? So many shams being created on a daily basis that i am getting to the point where I will actually say NO when invited to join these networks.
This is my first post on cpashare, i would love to continue writing more but i have to finish my homework for my next class…