Hey Guys,
Just got back from Boston yesterday. Am happy to be home! Going to a friend of mines wedding in Northern California tomorrow-Monday than I get a few days before I travel to go see my new house that me and my biz partner (and 2 employees) have rented in boulder.
Boston was quick trip scheduled just to meet with a new potential PPC client. I flew in on Monday night, had a really good Short-rib dinner with my friend Andrew from TattoMedia I than cruised to his place to work/wait for my partner Dennis to land. He eventually got in at like 2am and I crashed.
next day was pretty awesome, Woke up too early though! Had to wear a suit-sucked. But the meeting went well and I thought I did pretty well. Than I just chilled at Andy’s pad and worked/met one of his cool friends Karan who lived in his apt. building. Than had an excellent Sushi + BOMB WAGYU BEEF At Oishii in Boston. was excellent guys!
Boston rocks, and I’m excited to have to go out and meet with the client again in a few weeks, Boston’s pretty sick.
I almost forgot 2 things: 1st I got to go to Johnny Cupcakes In Boston which is a brand I have been a huge fan of for over 2 yrs! I finally got to check out their store in person instead of buying online. Andy got me 2 sick shirts for my 16th birthday (thanks bro).
and second: I know It sucks I didn’t take many pictures but here are 2 quick snapshots I took on my iPhone @ 5am (since I suck and work till that late)!
I’m Out guys,
Gonna do a post tonight or tomorrow with something you might like