So Todays post on scaling your earnings is going to be some quick and easy pointers to increasing your income but keeping your expenses (whatever they may be) DOWN! I see this as a very hard task for internet marketers due to the fact that if you spend X and make XX people automatically figure that spending XXX will make you XXXX. I tend to disagree; If strategic about the way you increase your expenses/investments you can spend XX and make that XXXX just by being smart about how you spend your money.
So; lets learn!
First off i want to give a tip to readers near my age. This is the mistake I make numerous times a day. Don’t spend your money on pointless shit like xbox’s and wii’s. It fucks you for the future.
What You Need/Don’t Need
I don’t even think I should be giving you tips about what to buy and what not to buy d ue to the fact that I buy so much pointless shit. I guess i will just hope you learn from my mistakes. Before investing money on some cool script or a new server really analyze the purchase. I try to do this but I don’t do it well therefore i buy way to much cool shit. Seriously though, Don’t buy “it” unless its completely necessary; it sounds like a stupid point but i promise you that keeping your “Cool Shit Inventory” down is a good thing.
Another little idea is to actually stay organized and keep records of earnings/expenses. It is a pain in the ass but you will eventually save money when it comes to tax time. I personally try to do this but do not do a good job. Also, I am going to repeat on of shoemoney’s tips: “Don’t hire someone (a personal friend) just to give them a job”
So im really busy with some new campaigns and stuff so i cant write an essay tonight.
Have a good night all,